Hard Cover Brand

Philosophical Question of Christ, Hardcover by Gilson, Caitlin Smith, Brand N

Philosophical Question of Christ, Hardcover by Gilson, Caitlin Smith, Brand N

Philosophical Question of Christ, Hardcover by Gilson, Caitlin Smith, Brand N    Philosophical Question of Christ, Hardcover by Gilson, Caitlin Smith, Brand N

She covers Christ and the Greeks: hoping for the un-hoped for, the search for a method, the eros of imago dei: Dante and the more-than-man, God and man in mutual pre-possession: the mystery of self-presence, and beyond the commensurate: the five ways of mystic surrender.

Philosophical Question of Christ, Hardcover by Gilson, Caitlin Smith, Brand N    Philosophical Question of Christ, Hardcover by Gilson, Caitlin Smith, Brand N