Hard Cover Brand

Dangers of Allergic Asthma, Hardcover by García-menaya, Jesús Miguel, Brand N

Dangers of Allergic Asthma, Hardcover by García-menaya, Jesús Miguel, Brand N

Dangers of Allergic Asthma, Hardcover by García-menaya, Jesús Miguel, Brand N    Dangers of Allergic Asthma, Hardcover by García-menaya, Jesús Miguel, Brand N

There are also other chapters describing the epidemiology, immunology and allergens related to allergic asthma. The concept of united airway disease is reviewed, and special situations like severe asthma and aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease are alsocovered.

Dangers of Allergic Asthma, Hardcover by García-menaya, Jesús Miguel, Brand N    Dangers of Allergic Asthma, Hardcover by García-menaya, Jesús Miguel, Brand N